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The tendency towards overspecialisation and its compartmentalised ways of thinking has led to an extreme and accelerating divergence of opinion as to what constitutes optimal ways of moving, breathing, body use and physical cultivation in general. Universal natural principles have been sacrificed at the altar of arbitrarily-chosen and formulated techniques. Because of this, we have created a complex morass of competing ideas and approaches, with no agreed basis for evaluating their efficacy and credibility.

The distracting noise created by this anthropocentric confusion is in stark contrast to the quiet dignity exhibited by the rest of the animal kingdom, who are bound by their instinct-driven natures to unerringly move and breathe using a consistent set of principles. Not one creature deviates from these principles by even a fraction, because the pure machinery of nature is never permitted to break its own laws. In this, nature exhibits a unified, harmonious approach to movement, according to fixed principles. With this, our benchmark for efficacy is staring us in the face, if we only climbed down from our respective ivory towers and paid attention to the facts of nature!

E2's methods approach the challenge of learning from nature by taking the most simple everyday functions and activities, starting with walking and breathing. They are 'hooks' upon which one can hang an almost unlimited number of related techniques and exercises. The walking and breathing methods comprise exercises that lead the learner in a step by step fashion towards a new way of using the body that is comparatively effortless and physically undemanding. Almost overnight, a step change in fitness, physical capability and exercise enjoyment can be achieved.

It is fair to say that most people are on automatic pilot and don’t give a second thought to how they are using their body. The focus is mainly on the objective e.g. “I want to get up out of this chair and go and make a cup of tea”. Almost no-one thinks of the quality of their everyday movement technique, which is a mistake, because this is where a huge opportunity exists to improve not only health and wellbeing but also fitness and performance. The same goes for breathing.

As soon as you start to use your body better and more efficiently (i.e. in a more relaxed, fluid and controlled way) your nervous system starts to respond better. Our hypothesis is that due to the more pervasive and dynamic internal forces generated by improved body use, the nerve receptors become more stimulated, which would allow a greater penetration of the receptors themselves and create a greater quality and quantity of sensory feedback. This in turn would provide more excitatory drive to the motor neurons, with subsequent improvements in physical capability.

The E2 approach is therefore based on replacing old body use patterns new ones that are more beneficial for health, wellbeing and performance. For example, the Wiggle Walking method works in the following way:

4 Step Diagram.png
WW Learning Process

This section will be expanded to include more information in due course.

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