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About E2 Human

"Nature is a totally efficient, self-generating system"

R. Buckminster Fuller

E2 Human is an R&D engine specialising in holistic, energy-efficient biomechanics. We create new forms of scientific and medical knowledge based on natural principles. Rather than wait decades for our institutions to catch up, we strive to make this knowledge instantly accessible where it is most needed. We do this by incubating uniquely powerful, highly practical products with potential to radically enhance wellbeing & performance.

The project is a vehicle to promote a new approach to human health, wellbeing and performance that uses energy efficiency as the guiding principle. It is the result of a deep scientific study and countless hours of experimentation, using simple yet powerful ‘instant feedback’ methods to reliably test the quality of posture and movement.

The premise is that retraining body use for optimal biomechanical efficiency by aligning with gravity brings a high quality, relaxed and fluid movement. The outcome is greatly enhanced performance and physiological function, as exhibited by the rest of the animal kingdom. The results convincingly demonstrate that this kind of training is not just for professional athletes. E2 methods such as Wiggle Walking can be easily learned by almost anyone and bring rapid results and improvements that readily surpass what even high-ranking doctors, therapists and scientists would regard as possible or plausible.

E2 gives primacy to what we call High Quality Movement, which is an area of central importance to both wellbeing and performance, but one that hardly receives any attention. Why is this? Well, quality is a nebulous, slippery concept that can be hard to pin down. It can also be hard to measure and in scientific circles, those factors that are deemed unmeasurable are effectively ignored or dismissed until the science itself develops appropriate devices and measurement tools. Paradoxically, it is only when the causes, intrinsic characteristics and effects of lower or higher quality movement can be quantitatively assessed that it has a chance of being recognised and acknowledged as important to human progress. This is where the E2 Human Project comes in!

Because E2's methods are focused on improving movement quality, the rest of this section is devoted to explaining what this actually means and why it's important. Please click on the links below or use the main menu to find out more:

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